Prophets | Ezekiel: A Better Day Is Coming

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The prophets we encounter in the Old Testament are probably far more relevant to our time that we realize. They lived in a divided, contentious, and uncertain time. They could see beneath the surface and warned their contemporaries of where division and injustice would lead. They spoke out on behalf of the oppressed and urged their society to practice God’s justice and righteousness, which meant to do right by everybody.

Maybe you can identify with them.

During Prophets: Why Your Voice Matters, we will get to know a few of the Hebrew prophets from the Old Testament, discover why our time is so much like theirs, and see why your voice matters in a divided and uncertain world.

Prophets | Jeremiah: Grief and Hope

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The prophets we encounter in the Old Testament are probably far more relevant to our time that we realize. They lived in a divided, contentious, and uncertain time. They could see beneath the surface and warned their contemporaries of where division and injustice would lead. They spoke out on behalf of the oppressed and urged their society to practice God’s justice and righteousness, which meant to do right by everybody.

Maybe you can identify with them.

During Prophets: Why Your Voice Matters, we will get to know a few of the Hebrew prophets from the Old Testament, discover why our time is so much like theirs, and see why your voice matters in a divided and uncertain world.

Prophets | Huldah: Let’s Be Realistic

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The prophets we encounter in the Old Testament are probably far more relevant to our time that we realize. They lived in a divided, contentious, and uncertain time. They could see beneath the surface and warned their contemporaries of where division and injustice would lead. They spoke out on behalf of the oppressed and urged their society to practice God’s justice and righteousness, which meant to do right by everybody.

Maybe you can identify with them.

During Prophets: Why Your Voice Matters, we will get to know a few of the Hebrew prophets from the Old Testament, discover why our time is so much like theirs, and see why your voice matters in a divided and uncertain world.

Prophets | Isaiah: Is Anyone Listening?

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The prophets we encounter in the Old Testament are probably far more relevant to our time that we realize. They lived in a divided, contentious, and uncertain time. They could see beneath the surface and warned their contemporaries of where division and injustice would lead. They spoke out on behalf of the oppressed and urged their society to practice God’s justice and righteousness, which meant to do right by everybody.

Maybe you can identify with them.

During Prophets: Why Your Voice Matters, we will get to know a few of the Hebrew prophets from the Old Testament, discover why our time is so much like theirs, and see why your voice matters in a divided and uncertain world.

My Type: Sparketype | Spark Your Work and World

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Sparketype is a personality inventory that helps you discover “your unique imprint for work that makes you come alive, fills you with meaning, joy, purpose, possibility, then helps you spend the rest of your life doing it.”

We use Sparketype in our Growth Track Step 3: Discover Your Purpose Class to help us find our callings. During this series, not only will you learn about your Sparketype, but you will discover what Scripture teaches about your calling, purpose, and how you can feel maximum fulfillment in life.

There are ten Sparketypes, and each person has a Primary Sparketype, Shadow Sparketype, and Anti-Sparketype. You can discover yours by taking a free assessment, and then follow along during the series to learn about yourself and your unique God-given calling. Take the free Sparketype Assessment here.

My Type: Sparketype | Advocate and Nurturer

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Sparketype is a personality inventory that helps you discover “your unique imprint for work that makes you come alive, fills you with meaning, joy, purpose, possibility, then helps you spend the rest of your life doing it.”

We use Sparketype in our Growth Track Step 3: Discover Your Purpose Class to help us find our callings. During this series, not only will you learn about your Sparketype, but you will discover what Scripture teaches about your calling, purpose, and how you can feel maximum fulfillment in life.

There are ten Sparketypes, and each person has a Primary Sparketype, Shadow Sparketype, and Anti-Sparketype. You can discover yours by taking a free assessment, and then follow along during the series to learn about yourself and your unique God-given calling.

Take the free Sparketype Assessment here.

My Type: Sparketype | Warrior and Advisor

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Sparketype is a personality inventory that helps you discover “your unique imprint for work that makes you come alive, fills you with meaning, joy, purpose, possibility, then helps you spend the rest of your life doing it.”

We use Sparketype in our Growth Track Step 3: Discover Your Purpose Class to help us find our callings. During this series, not only will you learn about your Sparketype, but you will discover what Scripture teaches about your calling, purpose, and how you can feel maximum fulfillment in life.

There are ten Sparketypes, and each person has a Primary Sparketype, Shadow Sparketype, and Anti-Sparketype. You can discover yours by taking a free assessment, and then follow along during the series to learn about yourself and your unique God-given calling.

Take the free Sparketype Assessment here.

My Type: Sparketype | Performer and Sage

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Sparketype is a personality inventory that helps you discover “your unique imprint for work that makes you come alive, fills you with meaning, joy, purpose, possibility, then helps you spend the rest of your life doing it.”

We use Sparketype in our Growth Track Step 3: Discover Your Purpose Class to help us find our callings. During this series, not only will you learn about your Sparketype, but you will discover what Scripture teaches about your calling, purpose, and how you can feel maximum fulfillment in life.

There are ten Sparketypes, and each person has a Primary Sparketype, Shadow Sparketype, and Anti-Sparketype. You can discover yours by taking a free assessment, and then follow along during the series to learn about yourself and your unique God-given calling.

Take the free Sparketype Assessment here.

My Type: Sparketype | Scientist and Essentialist

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Sparketype is a personality inventory that helps you discover “your unique imprint for work that makes you come alive, fills you with meaning, joy, purpose, possibility, then helps you spend the rest of your life doing it.”

We use Sparketype in our Growth Track Step 3: Discover Your Purpose Class to help us find our callings. During this series, not only will you learn about your Sparketype, but you will discover what Scripture teaches about your calling, purpose, and how you can feel maximum fulfillment in life.

There are ten Sparketypes, and each person has a Primary Sparketype, Shadow Sparketype, and Anti-Sparketype. You can discover yours by taking a free assessment, and then follow along during the series to learn about yourself and your unique God-given calling.

Take the free Sparketype Assessment here.

My Type: Sparketype | Maven and Maker

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Sparketype is a personality inventory that helps you discover “your unique imprint for work that makes you come alive, fills you with meaning, joy, purpose, possibility, then helps you spend the rest of your life doing it.”

We use Sparketype in our Growth Track Step 3: Discover Your Purpose Class to help us find our callings. During this series, not only will you learn about your Sparketype, but you will discover what Scripture teaches about your calling, purpose, and how you can feel maximum fulfillment in life.

There are ten Sparketypes, and each person has a Primary Sparketype, Shadow Sparketype, and Anti-Sparketype. You can discover yours by taking a free assessment, and then follow along during the series to learn about yourself and your unique God-given calling.

Take the free Sparketype Assessment here.
