Kids/Students Main

Well KIDS is the children's ministry of The Well for 4 years through 5th grade.

Well Students is the ministry of The Well for middle schoolers in grades 6-8.

Well KIDS and Well Students In-Person

Well KIDS and Well Students meet both in-person and online.

Well KIDS meets in-person during weekly worship services at Perry High School.

Well Students meets in-person every other week immediately following worship services at Perry High School.

Well KIDS and Well Students Online

At Well KIDS and Well Students, we use a curriculum called Orange for four age groups- Preschool, Elementary, Preteen, and Middle School. Every Friday, Well KIDS and Well Students will publish a new video and downloadable activity that you can show your child for that coming week.

  1. Just choose your child's age group below.
  2. Show them the video.
  3. Click the download button to lead them through the brief and fun activity!


Preschool Resources for October 20, 2024

Download Activity

(Grades K-5)

Elementary Resources for October 20, 2024

Download Activity

Elementary Daily Devotional for week of October 20, 2024

Download Daily Devotional

Middle School Students
(Grades 6-8)

Middle School Students Resources for September 29-October 20, 2024

Download Activity

Middle School Students Daily Devotional for the week of October 20, 2024

Download Daily Devotional

Additional Children's Resources

Children and youth need warm, caring conversations, hugs, and ways to talk about their feelings. Use these resources to help with family interaction, conversations, and to give you ideas for how to "redeem the time" that we have with our children while they're still kids. And, especially in the stressful times we live in, don't forget to have fun!