Special Guest Stan Mitchell

The Well welcomes special guest Stan Mitchell live and in person on September 10.

Stan Mitchell serves as a Teaching Pastor at The Village in Atlanta, GA as well as Pastor Emeritus of GracePointe Church in Nashville, TN, having served as its Lead Pastor from 2003 through 2019.

In 2015, GracePointe made the move to the full affirmation and celebration of LGBTQ+ people. Prior to this he was the Teaching Pastor at Christ Church also in Nashville, TN. He spends his vocational time now as a speaker, LGBTQ+ advocate, and consultant within the Progressive Christian movement.

I Will Survive… Abuse

If you have the Gloria Gaynor song playing in your head, no one will blame you! A brand new series about hope and making it through, I Will Survive, begins August 6.

Everyone experiences loss and disappointment of some kind. About half of us will experience anxiety or depression at some time in our lives, and millions struggle with substance abuse, fatigue, excessive worry, and disillusionment. About 40% of first marriages end in divorce. Abuse and mistreatment are rampant, and many of us have experienced shaming over sexuality, whether as an LGBTQ+ person or from so-called purity culture.

These experiences are common to humanity, and we can be tempted to lose hope. With the right coping mechanisms, spiritual practices, and support, however, we can have hope for better days ahead.

During I Will Survive, you will gain tools for coping and be inspired to feel hope for a better future!

Join us beginning August 6 for a brand new series, I Will Survive.

I Will Survive… Sexuality Shaming

If you have the Gloria Gaynor song playing in your head, no one will blame you! A brand new series about hope and making it through, I Will Survive, begins August 6.

Everyone experiences loss and disappointment of some kind. About half of us will experience anxiety or depression at some time in our lives, and millions struggle with substance abuse, fatigue, excessive worry, and disillusionment. About 40% of first marriages end in divorce. Abuse and mistreatment are rampant, and many of us have experienced shaming over sexuality, whether as an LGBTQ+ person or from so-called purity culture.

These experiences are common to humanity, and we can be tempted to lose hope. With the right coping mechanisms, spiritual practices, and support, however, we can have hope for better days ahead.

During I Will Survive, you will gain tools for coping and be inspired to feel hope for a better future!

Join us beginning August 6 for a brand new series, I Will Survive.

I Will Survive… Marital Conflict and Divorce

If you have the Gloria Gaynor song playing in your head, no one will blame you! A brand new series about hope and making it through, I Will Survive, begins August 6.

Everyone experiences loss and disappointment of some kind. About half of us will experience anxiety or depression at some time in our lives, and millions struggle with substance abuse, fatigue, excessive worry, and disillusionment. About 40% of first marriages end in divorce. Abuse and mistreatment are rampant, and many of us have experienced shaming over sexuality, whether as an LGBTQ+ person or from so-called purity culture.

These experiences are common to humanity, and we can be tempted to lose hope. With the right coping mechanisms, spiritual practices, and support, however, we can have hope for better days ahead.

During I Will Survive, you will gain tools for coping and be inspired to feel hope for a better future!

Join us beginning August 6 for a brand new series, I Will Survive.

I Will Survive… A Mental Health Struggle

If you have the Gloria Gaynor song playing in your head, no one will blame you! A brand new series about hope and making it through, I Will Survive, begins August 6.

Everyone experiences loss and disappointment of some kind. About half of us will experience anxiety or depression at some time in our lives, and millions struggle with substance abuse, fatigue, excessive worry, and disillusionment. About 40% of first marriages end in divorce. Abuse and mistreatment are rampant, and many of us have experienced shaming over sexuality, whether as an LGBTQ+ person or from so-called purity culture.

These experiences are common to humanity, and we can be tempted to lose hope. With the right coping mechanisms, spiritual practices, and support, however, we can have hope for better days ahead.

During I Will Survive, you will gain tools for coping and be inspired to feel hope for a better future!

Join us beginning August 6 for a brand new series, I Will Survive.

I Will Survive… Loss and Disappointment

If you have the Gloria Gaynor song playing in your head, no one will blame you! A brand new series about hope and making it through, I Will Survive, begins August 6.

Everyone experiences loss and disappointment of some kind. About half of us will experience anxiety or depression at some time in our lives, and millions struggle with substance abuse, fatigue, excessive worry, and disillusionment. About 40% of first marriages end in divorce. Abuse and mistreatment are rampant, and many of us have experienced shaming over sexuality, whether as an LGBTQ+ person or from so-called purity culture.

These experiences are common to humanity, and we can be tempted to lose hope. With the right coping mechanisms, spiritual practices, and support, however, we can have hope for better days ahead.

During I Will Survive, you will gain tools for coping and be inspired to feel hope for a better future!

Join us beginning August 6 for a brand new series, I Will Survive.
