Special Guest Stan Mitchell

Stan Mitchell serves as a Teaching Pastor at The Village in Atlanta, GA as well as Pastor Emeritus of GracePointe Church in Nashville, TN, having served as its Lead Pastor from 2003 through 2019.

In 2015, GracePointe made the move to the full affirmation and celebration of LGBTQ+ people. Prior to this he was the Teaching Pastor at Christ Church also in Nashville, TN.

He spends his vocational time now as a speaker, LGBTQ+ advocate, and consultant within the Progressive Christian movement.

What Would Jesus Say To America? | The Kingdom of God is Within You

The top of mind subject for every thinking person this January will be the future of our country. We are unsure of what the future will bring, but we know that we live in a divided country, and as cliché as the phrase has become, in unprecedented times.

During this series, we will explore what Jesus might say to America if He were here in earthly form now. Would He comfort us, challenge us, warn us, or all of the above?

And, how would American Christians receive Jesus? Would the Jesus of the Gospels even be welcome in America today?

As followers of Jesus, we want to hear His voice. Based on the teaching of Jesus in the Gospels, we will explore what Jesus might say to citizens of The United States as we enter 2025.

Join us for a new series of sermons beginning January 5, What Would Jesus Say to America?

What Would Jesus Say To America? | A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

The top of mind subject for every thinking person this January will be the future of our country. We are unsure of what the future will bring, but we know that we live in a divided country, and as cliché as the phrase has become, in unprecedented times.

During this series, we will explore what Jesus might say to America if He were here in earthly form now. Would He comfort us, challenge us, warn us, or all of the above?

And, how would American Christians receive Jesus? Would the Jesus of the Gospels even be welcome in America today?

As followers of Jesus, we want to hear His voice. Based on the teaching of Jesus in the Gospels, we will explore what Jesus might say to citizens of The United States as we enter 2025.

Join us for a new series of sermons beginning January 5, What Would Jesus Say to America?

What Would Jesus Say To America? | Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled

The top of mind subject for every thinking person this January will be the future of our country. We are unsure of what the future will bring, but we know that we live in a divided country, and as cliché as the phrase has become, in unprecedented times.

During this series, we will explore what Jesus might say to America if He were here in earthly form now. Would He comfort us, challenge us, warn us, or all of the above?

And, how would American Christians receive Jesus? Would the Jesus of the Gospels even be welcome in America today?

As followers of Jesus, we want to hear His voice. Based on the teaching of Jesus in the Gospels, we will explore what Jesus might say to citizens of The United States as we enter 2025.

Join us for a new series of sermons beginning January 5, What Would Jesus Say to America?
