United States of Anxiety | Coping with Anxiety from Strained Relationships

Beginning August 4, join us for a brand new sermon series, United States of Anxiety.

We are living in an age of American anxiety, and we need hope. With the uncertainty of this fall, combined with the stress of everyday life, we are unsure of what the future may bring.

The anxiety that our country feels is also connected to the anxiety we feel personally- financial anxiety, stress from strained relationships with family and friends, and worries about the future.

During this series, we will explore how we as a people can relieve our anxiety, experience greater peace and hope, and take action that will benefit us all.

I Will Survive… A Mental Health Struggle

If you have the Gloria Gaynor song playing in your head, no one will blame you! A brand new series about hope and making it through, I Will Survive, begins August 6.

Everyone experiences loss and disappointment of some kind. About half of us will experience anxiety or depression at some time in our lives, and millions struggle with substance abuse, fatigue, excessive worry, and disillusionment. About 40% of first marriages end in divorce. Abuse and mistreatment are rampant, and many of us have experienced shaming over sexuality, whether as an LGBTQ+ person or from so-called purity culture.

These experiences are common to humanity, and we can be tempted to lose hope. With the right coping mechanisms, spiritual practices, and support, however, we can have hope for better days ahead.

During I Will Survive, you will gain tools for coping and be inspired to feel hope for a better future!

Join us beginning August 6 for a brand new series, I Will Survive.

Peace of Mind | Maintaining Your Faith and Hope While Struggling With Mental Illness

The relationship between faith and mental health has often been strained at best. So many have sought Christian counseling only to hear, “Just pray about it.” Others have been told that a serious mental illness like depression is just a “lack of faith.” While these answers may come from well-meaning people, they ignore evidence-based mental health treatment.

While the Bible never uses the phrase like “mental health,” verses abound that speak of the soul (from where we derive our word “psyche” in biblical Greek), the spirit, peace, healing, order, a person being restored, etc. The people of the Bible experienced just life as we do, with all of our human hurts and struggles.

In the anxious times in which we live, you will benefit from a greater understanding of our mind, soul, body, and spirit and how our faith can partner with mental health science to help you live life to the fullest. Drawing from both our faith and evidence-based, science-backed clinical resources, Peace of Mind: Faith and Mental Health will help you to integrate your faith as you journey toward wellness.
