Tech Balance | Technology, Social Media, and Your Loved Ones

We spend a great deal of time looking at screens – smartphones, computer monitors, TVs, etc., and the jury is still out on how much our use of technology affects our brains.

We know for sure, however, that technology affects our relationships.

Some of us may already suspect that we spend too much time on our phones and not enough in face to face conversation or engaging in other activities we enjoy. We certainly have experienced both the positive and the destructive potential of social media on our relationships and sense of well-being.

At the extreme, our use of technology can distract us from spending quality time with the people we love.

During Tech Balance, we will gain an understanding of how technology affects our lives, discover best practices for using technology wisely, and most of all, learn how to improve our relationships and cultivate time with the people we love.

Tech Balance | Technology, Social Media, and How You Feel About Life

We spend a great deal of time looking at screens – smartphones, computer monitors, TVs, etc., and the jury is still out on how much our use of technology affects our brains.

We know for sure, however, that technology affects our relationships.

Some of us may already suspect that we spend too much time on our phones and not enough in face to face conversation or engaging in other activities we enjoy. We certainly have experienced both the positive and the destructive potential of social media on our relationships and sense of well-being.

At the extreme, our use of technology can distract us from spending quality time with the people we love.

During Tech Balance, we will gain an understanding of how technology affects our lives, discover best practices for using technology wisely, and most of all, learn how to improve our relationships and cultivate time with the people we love.

Tech Balance | Technology, Social Media, and Your View of Yourself

We spend a great deal of time looking at screens – smartphones, computer monitors, TVs, etc., and the jury is still out on how much our use of technology affects our brains.

We know for sure, however, that technology affects our relationships.

Some of us may already suspect that we spend too much time on our phones and not enough in face to face conversation or engaging in other activities we enjoy. We certainly have experienced both the positive and the destructive potential of social media on our relationships and sense of well-being.

At the extreme, our use of technology can distract us from spending quality time with the people we love.

During Tech Balance, we will gain an understanding of how technology affects our lives, discover best practices for using technology wisely, and most of all, learn how to improve our relationships and cultivate time with the people we love.

Tech Balance | Technology, Social Media, and Your Stress Level

We spend a great deal of time looking at screens – smartphones, computer monitors, TVs, etc., and the jury is still out on how much our use of technology affects our brains.

We know for sure, however, that technology affects our relationships.

Some of us may already suspect that we spend too much time on our phones and not enough in face to face conversation or engaging in other activities we enjoy. We certainly have experienced both the positive and the destructive potential of social media on our relationships and sense of well-being.

At the extreme, our use of technology can distract us from spending quality time with the people we love.

During Tech Balance, we will gain an understanding of how technology affects our lives, discover best practices for using technology wisely, and most of all, learn how to improve our relationships and cultivate time with the people we love.

Easter 2023 | Stay Human

Lent is a season of preparation for Easter, and our all-church study this Lent is based on the book “Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, The Disappointed, and The Disillusioned” by Brian McLaren.

In a time of doubt and deconstruction, “Do I Stay Christian?” publicly addresses the question that surprising numbers of people are asking in private.

Brian McLaren does not urge Christians to dig in their heels nor does he warn them to run for the exit. Instead, he combines his own experience with that of thousands of people who have confided in him over the years to help readers make a responsible, honest, ethical decision about their religious identity.

Do I Stay Christian? | Move With The Movement

Lent is a season of preparation for Easter, and our all-church study this Lent is based on the book “Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, The Disappointed, and The Disillusioned” by Brian McLaren.

In a time of doubt and deconstruction, “Do I Stay Christian?” publicly addresses the question that surprising numbers of people are asking in private.

Brian McLaren does not urge Christians to dig in their heels nor does he warn them to run for the exit. Instead, he combines his own experience with that of thousands of people who have confided in him over the years to help readers make a responsible, honest, ethical decision about their religious identity.

Do I Stay Christian? | We Have Options

Lent is a season of preparation for Easter, and our all-church study this Lent is based on the book “Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, The Disappointed, and The Disillusioned” by Brian McLaren.

In a time of doubt and deconstruction, “Do I Stay Christian?” publicly addresses the question that surprising numbers of people are asking in private.

Brian McLaren does not urge Christians to dig in their heels nor does he warn them to run for the exit. Instead, he combines his own experience with that of thousands of people who have confided in him over the years to help readers make a responsible, honest, ethical decision about their religious identity.

Do I Stay Christian? | A History of Violence

Lent is a season of preparation for Easter, and our all-church study this Lent is based on the book “Do I Stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, The Disappointed, and The Disillusioned” by Brian McLaren.

In a time of doubt and deconstruction, “Do I Stay Christian?” publicly addresses the question that surprising numbers of people are asking in private. Brian McLaren does not urge Christians to dig in their heels nor does he warn them to run for the exit.

Instead, he combines his own experience with that of thousands of people who have confided in him over the years to help readers make a responsible, honest, ethical decision about their religious identity.

Peace of Mind | Beating Burnout

The relationship between faith and mental health has often been strained at best. So many have sought Christian counseling only to hear, “Just pray about it.” Others have been told that a serious mental illness like depression is just a “lack of faith.” While these answers may come from well-meaning people, they ignore evidence-based mental health treatment.

While the Bible never uses the phrase like “mental health,” verses abound that speak of the soul (from where we derive our word “psyche” in biblical Greek), the spirit, peace, healing, order, a person being restored, etc. The people of the Bible experienced just life as we do, with all of our human hurts and struggles.

In the anxious times in which we live, you will benefit from a greater understanding of our mind, soul, body, and spirit and how our faith can partner with mental health science to help you live life to the fullest. Drawing from both our faith and evidence-based, science-backed clinical resources, Peace of Mind: Faith and Mental Health will help you to integrate your faith as you journey toward wellness.

Peace of Mind | Silence Your Negative Thoughts

The relationship between faith and mental health has often been strained at best. So many have sought Christian counseling only to hear, “Just pray about it.” Others have been told that a serious mental illness like depression is just a “lack of faith.” While these answers may come from well-meaning people, they ignore evidence-based mental health treatment.

While the Bible never uses the phrase like “mental health,” verses abound that speak of the soul (from where we derive our word “psyche” in biblical Greek), the spirit, peace, healing, order, a person being restored, etc. The people of the Bible experienced just life as we do, with all of our human hurts and struggles.

In the anxious times in which we live, you will benefit from a greater understanding of our mind, soul, body, and spirit and how our faith can partner with mental health science to help you live life to the fullest. Drawing from both our faith and evidence-based, science-backed clinical resources, Peace of Mind: Faith and Mental Health will help you to integrate your faith as you journey toward wellness.
