Jonah | Running From Good

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While most of us know about Jonah from the children’s version of the story centered on a large fish, the book of Jonah is actually one of the most profound books of the Bible.

As a work of literature, it has been called the best written book of the Bible, and its much needed message is usually lost in pointless arguments about whether a man can survive in a fish’s stomach for three days.

Jonah is a tragedy that becomes a comedy, a four-chapter short story about a reluctant prophet who runs from God and is, morally, the worst person in the story. After being called by God to preach repentance to his geopolitical enemies, the Ninevites, he catches a boat and sails in the exact opposite direction from Nineveh. God has an unexpected way of getting him back on course.

While the message of Jonah is an encouragement to all of us, reminding us that God can work in amazing ways through imperfect vessels, it also speaks powerfully to us about disillusionment, depression, and during the election season of 2022 America, about how to relate to people who define themselves as our enemies.

Growth Track | Make A Difference

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Growth Track is a model of how you can grow as follower of Jesus Christ at The Well. Each step has a corresponding action step, and over the course of the next year, The Well will offer corresponding classes for each step of Growth Track.

Discover the power of belonging, becoming your best self, discovering your purpose, and making a difference with your life in a way that only you can do.

Become all that you were created to be!

Growth Track | Discover Your Purpose

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Growth Track is a model of how you can grow as follower of Jesus Christ at The Well. Each step has a corresponding action step, and over the course of the next year, The Well will offer corresponding classes for each step of Growth Track.

Discover the power of belonging, becoming your best self, discovering your purpose, and making a difference with your life in a way that only you can do.

Become all that you were created to be!

Growth Track | Become Your Best Self

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Growth Track is a model of how you can grow as follower of Jesus Christ at The Well. Each step has a corresponding action step, and over the course of the next year, The Well will offer corresponding classes for each step of Growth Track.

Discover the power of belonging, becoming your best self, discovering your purpose, and making a difference with your life in a way that only you can do.

Become all that you were created to be!

Growth Track | Belong in Membership

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Growth Track is a model of how you can grow as follower of Jesus Christ at The Well. Each step has a corresponding action step, and over the course of the next year, The Well will offer corresponding classes for each step of Growth Track.

Discover the power of belonging, becoming your best self, discovering your purpose, and making a difference with your life in a way that only you can do.

Become all that you were created to be!

Revelation | A New Heaven and a New Earth

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In the tumultuous times we live in, chaos, violence, and hatred seem to be gaining ground. We wonder what the future holds. We have seen where nationalism and authoritarianism have taken countries in the past, and we hope and pray that history does not repeat itself here.

In times like these, we need guidance, and probably most of all, hope.

Hope often surprises us, and perhaps now it springs from the pages of an ancient and often misunderstood letter. Revelation is opaque and mysterious apocalyptic literature, terrifying, and at times inspiring. But the message written twenty centuries ago in a time of great distress was actually shared to uncover, or reveal, where our hope comes from.

Revelation | 666, the Millennium, and the War of Armageddon

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In the tumultuous times we live in, chaos, violence, and hatred seem to be gaining ground. We wonder what the future holds. We have seen where nationalism and authoritarianism have taken countries in the past, and we hope and pray that history does not repeat itself here.

In times like these, we need guidance, and probably most of all, hope.

Hope often surprises us, and perhaps now it springs from the pages of an ancient and often misunderstood letter. Revelation is opaque and mysterious apocalyptic literature, terrifying, and at times inspiring. But the message written twenty centuries ago in a time of great distress was actually shared to uncover, or reveal, where our hope comes from.

Revelation | How to Cope in Tribulation

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In the tumultuous times we live in, chaos, violence, and hatred seem to be gaining ground. We wonder what the future holds. We have seen where nationalism and authoritarianism have taken countries in the past, and we hope and pray that history does not repeat itself here.

In times like these, we need guidance, and probably most of all, hope.

Hope often surprises us, and perhaps now it springs from the pages of an ancient and often misunderstood letter. Revelation is opaque and mysterious apocalyptic literature, terrifying, and at times inspiring. But the message written twenty centuries ago in a time of great distress was actually shared to uncover, or reveal, where our hope comes from.

Revelation | Worshiping at the Throne

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In the tumultuous times we live in, chaos, violence, and hatred seem to be gaining ground. We wonder what the future holds. We have seen where nationalism and authoritarianism have taken countries in the past, and we hope and pray that history does not repeat itself here.

In times like these, we need guidance, and probably most of all, hope.

Hope often surprises us, and perhaps now it springs from the pages of an ancient and often misunderstood letter. Revelation is opaque and mysterious apocalyptic literature, terrifying, and at times inspiring. But the message written twenty centuries ago in a time of great distress was actually shared to uncover, or reveal, where our hope comes from.

Revelation | Letters to Seven Churches

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In the tumultuous times we live in, chaos, violence, and hatred seem to be gaining ground. We wonder what the future holds. We have seen where nationalism and authoritarianism have taken countries in the past, and we hope and pray that history does not repeat itself here.

In times like these, we need guidance, and probably most of all, hope.

Hope often surprises us, and perhaps now it springs from the pages of an ancient and often misunderstood letter. Revelation is opaque and mysterious apocalyptic literature, terrifying, and at times inspiring. But the message written twenty centuries ago in a time of great distress was actually shared to uncover, or reveal, where our hope comes from.
