How to Understand the Bible

This series is based on Adam Hamilton’s book by the same title Making Sense of the Bible.

Adam invites us into an honest conversation about the Bible with foundational questions such as, How and when was the Bible written? Who decided which books made it into the scriptures and why? How literally must we read it? And, Is the Bible ever wrong?

From there, we will consider the real questions people frequently ask that continue to divide Christians and denominations alike, including:

  • Were Adam and Eve real people?
  • Why is God so violent in the Old Testament?
  • Why would Paul command women to “keep silent in the church?”
  • Is Jesus the only way to salvation?
  • How does God view same sex relationships?
  • Is the Book of Revelation a guide to the End Times?

We hope to address these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible so that we might hear God speak through it and find its words to be life-changing and life-giving.

Sermon Series

Sept. 8- Making Sense of the Old Testament
Sept. 15- Making Sense of the New Testament
Sept. 22- How to Understand the Bible
Sept. 29- Violence and God in the Bible
Oct. 6- The Bible and Science
Oct. 13- The Bible and Sexuality

Making Sense of the Old Testament

This series is based on Adam Hamilton’s book by the same title Making Sense of the Bible.

Adam invites us into an honest conversation about the Bible with foundational questions such as, How and when was the Bible written? Who decided which books made it into the scriptures and why? How literally must we read it? And, Is the Bible ever wrong?

From there, we will consider the real questions people frequently ask that continue to divide Christians and denominations alike, including:

  • Were Adam and Eve real people?
  • Why is God so violent in the Old Testament?
  • Why would Paul command women to “keep silent in the church?”
  • Is Jesus the only way to salvation?
  • How does God view same sex relationships?
  • Is the Book of Revelation a guide to the End Times?

We hope to address these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible so that we might hear God speak through it and find its words to be life-changing and life-giving.

Sermon Series

Sept. 8- Making Sense of the Old Testament
Sept. 15- Making Sense of the New Testament
Sept. 22- How to Understand the Bible
Sept. 29- Violence and God in the Bible
Oct. 6- The Bible and Science
Oct. 13- The Bible and Sexuality

Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering in the World?

Some people believe you should never question your faith. But if you never ask questions, how else can you learn and grow?

Thinking people realize that asking questions is not a sign of weak faith. Instead, expressing your honest questions demonstrates that you care about your faith enough to wrestle with it.

Every week, you submitted a question, and each sermon will be based on one of the four most asked questions:

Aug 11- How do I love people who hate?
Aug 18- What does prayer actually accomplish?
Aug 25- Is Jesus really the only way to salvation?
Sept 1- Why would God allow evil and suffering in the world?

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Salvation?

Some people believe you should never question your faith. But if you never ask questions, how else can you learn and grow?

Thinking people realize that asking questions is not a sign of weak faith. Instead, expressing your honest questions demonstrates that you care about your faith enough to wrestle with it.

Every week, you submitted a question, and each sermon will be based on one of the four most asked questions:

Aug 11- How do I love people who hate?
Aug 18- What does prayer actually accomplish?
Aug 25- Is Jesus really the only way to salvation?
Sept 1- Why would God allow evil and suffering in the world?

What Does Prayer Actually Accomplish?

Some people believe you should never question your faith. But if you never ask questions, how else can you learn and grow?

Thinking people realize that asking questions is not a sign of weak faith. Instead, expressing your honest questions demonstrates that you care about your faith enough to wrestle with it.

Every week, you submitted a question, and each sermon will be based on one of the four most asked questions:

Aug 11- How do I love people who hate?
Aug 18- What does prayer actually accomplish?
Aug 25- Is Jesus really the only way to salvation?
Sept 1- Why would God allow evil and suffering in the world?

How Do I Love People Who Hate?

Some people believe you should never question your faith. But if you never ask questions, how else can you learn and grow?

Thinking people realize that asking questions is not a sign of weak faith. Instead, expressing your honest questions demonstrates that you care about your faith enough to wrestle with it.

Every week, you submitted a question, and each sermon will be based on one of the four most asked questions:

Aug 11- How do I love people who hate?
Aug 18- What does prayer actually accomplish?
Aug 25- Is Jesus really the only way to salvation?
Sept 1- Why would God allow evil and suffering in the world?

Toy Story 4

If all truth is God’s truth, then goodness and beauty can be found in all of creation, including art.

Movies are one of the most influential forms of art in our day, and during Silver Screen Sundays: The Gospel in Movies, we will look for God’s truth in popular movies of this year, and in one movie from past years.

This year, we’ll look for the Gospel in:

Avengers: End Game / July 14
A Star Is Born / July 21
The Greatest Showman / July 28
Toy Story 4 / August 4

This series is a great opportunity to invite a friend. Join us for Silver Screen Sundays: The Gospel in Movies to see how God’s truth can be found in all of creation.

The Greatest Showman

If all truth is God’s truth, then goodness and beauty can be found in all of creation, including art.

Movies are one of the most influential forms of art in our day, and during Silver Screen Sundays: The Gospel in Movies, we will look for God’s truth in popular movies of this year, and in one movie from past years.

This year, we’ll look for the Gospel in:

Avengers: End Game / July 14
A Star Is Born / July 21
The Greatest Showman / July 28
Toy Story 4 / August 4

This series is a great opportunity to invite a friend. Join us for Silver Screen Sundays: The Gospel in Movies to see how God’s truth can be found in all of creation.

A Star Is Born

If all truth is God’s truth, then goodness and beauty can be found in all of creation, including art.

Movies are one of the most influential forms of art in our day, and during Silver Screen Sundays: The Gospel in Movies, we will look for God’s truth in popular movies of this year, and in one movie from past years.

This year, we’ll look for the Gospel in:

Avengers: End Game / July 14
A Star Is Born / July 21
The Greatest Showman / July 28
Toy Story 4 / August 4

This series is a great opportunity to invite a friend. Join us for Silver Screen Sundays: The Gospel in Movies to see how God’s truth can be found in all of creation.


Avengers Endgame

If all truth is God’s truth, then goodness and beauty can be found in all of creation, including art.

Movies are one of the most influential forms of art in our day, and during Silver Screen Sundays: The Gospel in Movies, we will look for God’s truth in popular movies of this year, and in one movie from past years.

This year, we’ll look for the Gospel in:

Avengers: End Game / July 14
A Star Is Born / July 21
The Greatest Showman / July 28
Toy Story 4 / August 4

This series is a great opportunity to invite a friend. Join us for Silver Screen Sundays: The Gospel in Movies to see how God’s truth can be found in all of creation.

